We increase local food access through mentorship and garden management.
Hi! I’m Lauren.
A former teacher turned farmer, I now teach sustainable agriculture practices here in Southwest Florida. With a background in Education and a master’s in Sustainable Food Systems, I'm passionate about how growing food in our community can unite neighbors, support families, and increase the healthy lives of the people we love. My areas of expertise are plant propagation, food forest , design and integrating conservation agriculture principles into garden production.
At Plant Relationships, our mission is to cultivate thriving communities by supporting local gardeners in their journey to enhance access to fresh, locally-grown food. We are committed to empowering individuals to transform their spaces into bountiful ecologies of nourishment, fostering a culture of stewardship and community resilience.
Central to our values is the commitment to inclusive action. We aim to address food insecurity by focusing on underserved populations and advocating for equal access to healthy, locally sourced options. By fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment through sustainable gardening practices, we believe that every individual can contribute to building a healthier, more food-secure community.
We integrate permaculture design principles into all gardening practices. Our values align with the traditional priority of “whole-systems” thinking - growing food integrates the geographical, biological, social and spiritual. Whether it be through integrated pest management strategies or native edible perennials, we prioritize permaculture and conservation agriculture principles, no matter how big or small our agricultural spaces.
Our vision is to create a sustainable, interconnected network of gardens that serve as vibrant hubs for learning, sharing, and cultivating a deeper connection to the food we eat and the land we inhabit. Through mentorship and garden management, we strive to inspire and educate individuals, ensuring they possess the knowledge and resources needed to successfully grow nutritious produce with ecosystem-supporting practices.